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Thursday, 15 March 2012

So happy to have my baby back :-)

Well the last week & a half have tested my parenting skills...& my patience. My little girl was 4 mths old on Wednesday (so exciting) & she had turned into a super grumpy child the week leading up to that milestone (not so exciting)! 

My hubby was on night shift & then unfortunately had to leave us to go away on a work trip on the weekend.  So there I was playing 'single mum' with a grumpy child who is usually a perfect angel (really...she is).  Thank goodness there was a reason as to why Kayla turned into a grumpy-bum & thankfully the grumpy side only stuck around for 4-5days.

Teething! Ahhh... I never knew that babies started teething so early & I also found out that babies can be BORN with teeth! What the?! Looking back at the first grumpy day I had with her, it made sense...that explained her munching on her fingers & chewing on her dummy. I thought she was so clever being able to put her dummy in & out of her mouth with her tiny little hands too! So now that I knew the reason for the change in my daughters temperament, I could find a solution!  I had heard about the Amber Teething Necklaces through friends so I jumped straight online at All About Amber to order Kayla one.  I can't wait for it to arrive! But in the meantime...I needed something a little quicker than the mail man can deliver so I made a quick dash to Target & stocked up on teething rings & fun things to distract her from the pain...poor thing.  Do you think I purchased enough?!

On a happier note...my little baby girl who had been going through a stage of 'I'm not a baby & I want to sit up like a big girl' had turned into a 'clingy little baby who just wanted to be cuddled & soothed'! Yay for me! I soaked up those cuddly days like there was no tomorrow :-) 

So I now have my happy, precious little baby back...well, at least until her teeth decide to try & make an appearance again anyhow...  
What have your little bundles of joy been up to in the past week? I would love to hear any stories of tried & tested teething remedies also!

xoxo T

Monday, 5 March 2012

Time to quit the excuses!

So I am finally getting on top of things.  Slowly getting into some sort of routine & back to life as normal 'pre-baby' - or as much as possible...sort of.  Kayla will be 15weeks this Wednesday & already rolling over! Oh how those 15weeks have flown by!  I am thinking I can't make anymore excuses to not get back into exercising now... or baking cakes or jewellery making... or all of the other things on the "List of things to do whilst on maternity leave" that I made before I gave birth.  There is no more 'I've just had a baby!' excuses left for me.  That one has well & truly left the building! Especially since Kayla is now on the 'Save Our Sleep' routines & alllllllmost sleeping through the night (she's down to one night-feed now).  So, I also can't blame how sleep deprived I am...as it hasn't existed for the past two months... I know, we're lucky right!

On this SOS routine I am having to wake her at 7am & then she is asleep for two blocks of 1.5hrs (on a good day) before 12.30pm.  Some would say that that is PLENTY of time to fit in a workout, do some housework & paint my nails.  That probably could be the case...if I wasn't enjoying some quiet time alone watching all of my chick flick recordings on Austar while hubby is at work, & yes...sometimes also polishing off a family block of Cadbury Snack chocolate while I'm at it...fatty boomba :-)

I'm extremely lucky that I was pretty much down to my 'pre-baby' weight within the first few weeks of having Kayla.  It's just a shame that my 'pre-baby' weight is taken straight after our Dec/Jan trip to the USA where I ate everything in sight! Yummmm....tasting cupcakes in every city...a 2L 'Big Gulp' of Root Beer?! Don't mind if I do!! For the record I only challenged myself to the 2L Cup of Root Beer once.

Getting back to present time...I am putting it out there for all to hear that I am mentally & physically ready to lose the 'pre-baby' weight!

Next time you see me reaching for the cupcake, I give you permission to remind me of my weight loss challenge...unless it's one of my home-made cupcakes... & then if you've tasted one, you will understand why I can't resist the temptation (just blowing my own horn there).

So until next time...
Enjoy the sweeter things in your life while I try to resist the sugary sweetness of the things in mine xoxo T